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The Ceramic Package is growing from strength to strength - boldly going where few other mobile ceramic businesses have gone before, and some fear to tread  !!


How did that happy child above get her hands covered with paint


I'll bet it was something to do with that  Ceramic Package lot !!


When it involves girls and boys, we love to have fun AND get memorable results. Whether it's one of their own birthdays, a craft/painting evening with their local group like the cubs, or Granny and Grandad's anniversary party, we like to create an exciting and rewarding experience. 

The age of these children is totally irrelevant - it could be Granny and Grandad themselves joining in !! My local WI have some real nifty wizz kids with the paint brush !


We can make someone's wedding unique with a special signature plate and individually personalised wine goblets for the guests. 

We can mark the birth of a child with personalised items like moneyboxes, plates and mugs.

We can copy the likeness of your pet for you to keep forever.

Why not flick through the pages and see what the Ceramic Package can do for you, and if we haven't thought of it yet, contact me - Anne Holby on 01344 870 221 or 07756 281 825 or e-mail me on anne.holby@gmail.com and I will take up the challenge !

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